Our organization is a confederation of many individuals, all of whom have an interest in history. The organization is a vessel that lets a group of individuals each tell a part of a bigger story. We are made up of teachers and students, businessmen and retirees, active, reserve, and retired military. The overriding theme is an interest in WWII history and in the legacy of the 10th Mountain Division. We are all unpaid volunteers, serving as docents, interpreters, and historians. We have NO paid staff positions, which keeps all of our funding focused on the exhibits. For the most part, it is a series of personal collections that integrate to tell the overarching story that is the 10th Mountain Division.
We are based in three primary locations at this time, so we hope you can find folks with a similar interest close to you. These locations are:
ROCKY MOUNTAIN WEST – From AZ to CO and WY and other mountain states This group operates primarily through this web site and can be contacted at INFO@TenthMountain.org
MIDWEST – IL, IN, OH and MO (for now) The MIDWEST Chapter maintains it’s own web site HERE and can be contacted at P.Lauracella@TenthMountain.org
OTHER AREAS: We are always looking to expand our outreach. If you are in an area of the country (or world) where we do not have a representative, please consider joining us and getting your own chapter started. We sure would like to hear from folks on the east coast and on post at Ft. Drum.

We have been asked about female members and YES, we do welcome you. Ft. Lewis, Camp Hale, and Camp Swift all had nurses (ANC) and Womens Army Corps (WAC) assigned, as well as civilian workers on and off post. The War affected families, individuals, men, and women, and YES, we want to tell the whole story. As such, we are a family-friendly organization, within the limits that an event sponsor allows. Please consider joining us as a family!